1 Week Unlimited Trial
Trial only
Try out all our classes—Strength, Kickboxing, Animal Flow—and experience our community with our one-week unlimited training pass!
Join a class for a dynamic, energizing workout with no long-term commitment. Just click on any class in our schedule and choose the drop-in option!
4 Classes / mo
3 Month Minimum Membership
Our four classes per month is perfect for once-a-week training. You can try different classes or stick to the one you love.
8 Classes / mo
3 Month Minimum Membership
Training twice a week? This membership is for you! Stay on track with consistent progress and sustainability.
Unlimited Classes / mo
3 Month Minimum Membership
Get the most out of your fitness routine with our Unlimited membership, which lets you take as many classes as you want.
4 Class Pack
Class Package
Our 4-class pack is ideal for busy individuals who need flexible training options.
8 Class Pack
Class Package
Our 8-class pack is an excellent choice for those who want more flexibility in their training while balancing a busy schedule.
4 Animal Flow Class Pack
Class Package
Get stronger, more mobile, and improve your movement with our 4-Animal Flow Class pack. Improve your mobility in hips, shoulders, and spine!
Nutrition Coaching
3 Month Minimum Membership
Learn skills that you can stick with through our Nutrition Coaching, which includes a personalized step-by-step action plan and Bi-weekly check-ins with expert guidance.
1:1 Kickboxing
Starting at $50
Boost your skills and fitness with our Kickboxing Privates. Choose from 30 or 60-minute sessions for personalized attention and tailored workouts to accelerate your results.
6 Months - Unlimited Classes
Paid In Full
Save 10% off when you purchase a 6 Month Unlimited membership!
12 Months - Unlimited Classes
Paid in Full
Save 15% off when you purchase a 12 Month Unlimited Membership!